7 WWE WrestleMania Endings That Were Botched

5. WrestleMania 23

Shawn Michaels John Cena

WWE heighten security at WrestleMania for understandable reasons. They don't want some pillock sprinting in to make a late bid for fame at any point during the show, and they certainly want to ensure the safety of performers who are rightly concentrating more on their matches than their surroundings.

Someone didn't do their job at 'Mania 23.

Right before a highly-anticipated John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels main event, some idiot fan jumped the ringside barrier and attempted to steal the spotlight. The referee looked like he was going to have a coronary, Michaels stayed cool and Cena wore an expression of complete disgust. He probably wanted to rip the perp's head off.

How could this happen? The entire show had been smooth for WWE up until that point, but lax security almost ruined everything. Here's another question: Why couldn't that intrusion have happened when Sabu or The Sandman were in the ring earlier? That would've been interesting...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.