7 WWE WrestleMania Endings That Were Botched

3. WrestleMania VIII

Ultimate Warrior Hulk Hogan Wrestlemania 8

Oh where-oh-where did Papa Shan-go?

That must've been what WWF officials were screaming as they scrambled behind the curtain to fire Papa Shango through it towards the end of a Hulk Hogan vs. Sid Justice 'Mania VIII main event. Shango was booked to break up Hulk's pin attempt following his iconic Leg Drop, but he was late, and Sid had to kick out so the match didn't end.

What a f*ck up this was. Right there in the final moments of the biggest platform of 1992, a heel kicked out of Hogan's finish for the first time on pay-per-view. Then, Shango hit the ring to double team Hulk before The Ultimate Warrior made his triumphant return and almost gassed himself running down the Hoosier Dome's massive aisle.

'Mania VIII went off the air with a bogus disqualification result, a knackered Warrior, a red-faced Shango and a clearly-annoyed Hogan. Backstage, Vince McMahon was likely wringing someone's neck for not getting Shango ready in time.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.