7 WWE WrestleMania Endings That Were Botched

2. WrestleMania XIX

Brock Lesnar Kurt Angle

Brock Lesnar had pulled off Shooting Star Presses before, and he knew it looked bad ass to see someone his size fly so gracefully through the air. He also knew the move would be his WrestleMania moment, and he wanted to use the spot against Kurt Angle during 'Mania XIX's main event.

Unfortunately, as most fans know, it'd go wrong.

Brock was almost 20 minutes into a rugged, physical match when his sweaty frame climbed the ropes to hit the dive, and Angle was over halfway across the ring. In a moment he'd come to regret, Lesnar tried the SSP anyway, failed to fully rotate and came down hard on his head. The botch was bad enough, but now Brock and Kurt had to come up with a new finish and do it with a sparkled Lesnar.

Angle called the remainder of the match on the fly to a concussed dance partner and somehow dragged him through it. Bruce Prichard and others have since remarked that some in WWE warned Brock against trying the move on a pressure-filled stage like WrestleMania.

He didn't listen.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.