8 Famous Wrestlers Whose Last Matches Were A Total Disaster

2. Bret Hart

Bret Hart & John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez

Let it be known here and now: The jean shorts version of Bret Hart is not the real Bret Hart.

No, the real Hitman is the guy who spat in the face of Vince McMahon at Survivor Series '97. The real Excellence of Execution wrestled his last truly great match against Chris Benoit as a tribute to his deceased little brother, Owen. The real Bret Hart went away after Goldberg gave him a concussion that eventually led to a stroke.

For health reasons, Hart literally could not take a bump during his final "run" in WWE, which is kind of a crucial aspect of wrestling. It'd be like telling a chef they can cook, but they can't use a hot stove.

More than a year after his shameful solo exhibition against Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 26, Hart had his official last match on an episode of Raw, "teaming up" with John Cena for a tag match.

It was like watching that Starrcade main event where Jay Leno teamed with Diamond Dallas Page, but Jay spent most of the time goofing off on the ring apron until he was tagged in to throw a couple of punches. Except, this time it was Hart -- one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time -- who was the useless sideshow, only jumping into the ring for a total of 10 seconds to put on a half-assed Sharpshooter.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.