8 Genius Ways Wrestlers Got Out Of Terrible Matches

7. Dan Severn Threatens To Shoot On Opponents If WWE Make Him Lose Matches

Thumb Undertaker Final

This won't be the last time The Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness is mentioned in this list, folks.

But whereas the other entry will involve a star being welcomed into their demonic ranks, this one will be focusing on a bloke who took one look at that spooky faction and give it a big ol' "Nope!"

Said person was UFC Hall of Famer Dan Severn, with the MMA legend rejecting the idea of joining 'Taker's gang in 1999 after not liking the thought of having "666" - the mark of the beast - drawn onto his forehead. 

Rather than see where their talent was coming from and just accepting this response, though, Severn would later recall on the Jordan Garber NOW podcast (via WrestleZone) how agents responded by telling him that if he didn't do what they asked they could just have him start losing matches.

That particular threat very nearly led to disaster, too, as Severn let those WWE personnel know that it didn't actually say he had to lose to anyone in his contract. What was stopping him stepping in-between the ropes and shooting on anyone who attempted to make him look bad or defeat him? Or as Severn put it, "What if I walk into your world of fantasy and turn it to reality?"

That ominous warning alone was seemingly enough to make WWE wisely think twice about both that dodgy Ministry character and booking some Severn potential car-crash losses.

And it wasn't long before the two parties went their separate ways.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...