8 Genius Ways Wrestlers Got Out Of Terrible Matches

6. Terry Funk Leaves A Note

Thumb Undertaker Final

This has to be one of the greatest ways anyone has ever swerved some dodgy booking.

There were plans there at one point for Terry Funk to work as one of Shawn Michaels' "knights" at the 1993 Survivor Series, with 'The Heartbreak Kid' being swapped in for Jerry Lawler - who'd been indicted on charges of statutory r*pe and sodomy before the event (though the charges would eventually be dropped) - in the scheduled four-on-four match against The Hart Family.

And that match would have eventually seen the wrestling icon being beaten by the Hart team and eventually unmasked in the middle of the ring. Not feeling that being squashed in such a way on WWE television was the best idea, and after also deciding that he actually didn't fancy the head booker role he'd been offered at the time, Funk decided to duck out of the contest with a note.

Not just any note, though. Said message explained to Vince McMahon that he couldn't do the job for 'The Hitman' and co, or follow through with their deal, because his "horse was sick." That was his story and he was sticking to it.

Before long he'd hopped on a plane and was heading far away from this royal mess, with his role of the Sharpshooter-ed Red Knight ultimately going to Barry Horowitz instead.

And another iconic Funker story was born.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...