8 (In)famous Fatherhood Moments In WWE History

6. Brian Christopher And Jerry Lawler's Awkward Reunion

Rey Mysterio Dominic

Family reunions can be messy, especially between a father and son who don’t always see eye-to-eye. Jerry Lawler and his son, the former Grand Master Sexay Brian Christopher have had a rocky relationship over the years, and thus, WWE decided to use that for a bit of drama.

In his feud with the King in 2011, Michael Cole made it personal with him and brought his son to WWE after a ten year absence. Unfortunately, the crowd did not remember Brian Christopher at all, and thus, what followed was seven minutes of abject silence as Christopher ran down the King and his transgressions as a father. Thankfully, a kind soul on Reddit revised history and gave Brian Christopher the return he, nay, we deserved.

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Rey Mysterio
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