8 Least Over WWE Wrestlers To Headline WrestleMania

5. The Miz

Roman Reigns WrestleMania 31

Don't get us wrong: The Miz is an exceptional heel, and even if back in 2011 he was still a few years away from becoming the savvy in-ring performer he is today, you can't say that he was completely undeserving of his spot on the card.

On the other hand, we also shouldn't ignore the fact that much of the build-up heading into WrestleMania XXVII centred on potential fireworks between John Cena, his opponent, and the guest host for the evening, The Rock.

While it seems innately unfair to criticise a wrestler for finding themselves in the shadow of perhaps the biggest star the industry has ever seen, it is unlikely that such a dynamic would have emerged if, say, Triple H was in the same role.

And yes, plenty of fans cheered him, but this perhaps had less to do with his own popularity than it did who was standing across from him in the ring. For a brief time, if you were an enemy of John Cena, you were a friend of the fans by default.

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Roman Reigns
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