8 MORE Stupid Reasons Wrestlers Turned Heel

6. Big Cass Hates Small People

Becky Lynch angry

Despite Big Cass claiming that he initially turned heel due to his former partner Enzo Amore being nothing more than dead weight and holding him down, his real reason for becoming a 7ft tall pr*ck was actually revealed during his feud with Daniel Bryan post-ACL injury.

As it turned out, Cass was infuriated at the sight of Bryan and anyone who was classed as small because it reminded him of a time when he used to be short and was regularly beaten up. Which makes a ton of sense, right?

Attacking Bryan relentlessly, Cass cut numerous anti-short people promos and even went as far as to beat the crap out of a little person when he'd only been told to big boot the D-Bry impersonator.

In the end, Cass was given his WWE marching orders after losing this putrid feud with the recently returned 'American Dragon' and most fans just did their best to forget about what they'd seen go down over the last few weeks.

WWE undoubtedly wanted to get behind Cass and generate some genuine heat towards him by having the big man go after such a beloved figure. However, his reasons for doing so were seriously moronic and, combined with his poor backstage behaviour, this lazy characterisation eventually spelled the end for a potential superstar.

In this post: 
Becky Lynch
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...