8 MORE Stupid Reasons Wrestlers Turned Heel

5. Chavo Guerrero Claims Rey Mysterio Stole The Guerrero Name

Becky Lynch angry

Back in 2006, fans around the world were still reeling from the sudden death of legendary performer Eddie Guerrero. So, WWE decided to capitalise on this genuine support for 'Latino Heat' by having Rey Mysterio regularly dedicate matches to his fallen friend and win the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 22 in his honour.

Yet, there were a few moments where the company undoubtedly went too far, using this real life tragedy to give another star some extra nuclear heat. Randy Orton infamously declaring that 'Eddie's down there, in hell' sticks out as one of the worst offenders, but having Guerrero's nephew Chavo Guerrero turn on Mysterio for supposedly exploiting his family name was as despicable as it was peculiar.

Mysterio merely paid tribute to his late best friend, so Guerrero slamming the former World Champion for 'using' Eddie's last name felt seriously forced and like yet another desperate attempt to use the death of a former employee to generate a negative crowd response.

A series of bitter matches ensued and the pair regularly delivered in the ring, it's just a shame the reason for the multiple wars was both unbelievable and uncomfortable in equal measure.

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Becky Lynch
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...