8 Most Bitter Moments In CM Punk And WWE's Feud

4. "CM Junk"

When it comes to pure pettiness, this may just be a step too far on the WWE's part. After CM Punk's WWE departure, much of his merchandise understandably started disappearing from the WWE Shop website, and since his severance was made 100% official, it's impossible to pick up anything related to him on there. However, earlier this year, fans started noticing that upon typing "CM Punk" into the site's search engine, they would be met with a message which asked if they mean" CM Junk." While it might be a little ridiculous to suggest that this was orchestrated by someone as high up on the totem pole as Vince McMahon or Triple H, this was still a pretty childish move on the WWE's part a year and a half after Punk left the company. Someone in a position of authority had to have known about this though, and seeing as he was once their top merchandise sellers for a time, you'd think whoever runs this site would have at least some respect for him. Regardless, this probably flew under Punk's radar and didn't bother him too much, but it's proof to some extent that the WWE may not have got over the disgruntled former Superstar's comments on that podcast...
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CM Punk
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.