8 Most Bitter Moments In CM Punk And WWE's Feud

3. Vince McMahon Doesn't Like Punk's Potty Mouth

CM Punk's podcast appearance couldn't have come at a better time for WWE fans as Vince McMahon's interview with Stone Cold Steve Austin on the WWE Network happened just days later. He had no other choice than to address Punk's comments, and despite saying that he hopes the two parties can come together again one day in the future, he also went some way in dismissing his disgruntled ex-employee's comments. Trying to come off as the bigger man (and he arguably did in some ways), Vince refused to air the same kind of "dirty laundry" in public that Punk had and made it clear that there are two sides to every story. When asked by Stone Cold if he had listened to the podcast, the WWE Chairman immediately replied with, "No, no, no," and went some way in dismissing it altogether by stating that all he really knew about it was that Punk had used "a lot of expletives", as if that was a foreign concept and highly offensive to him! (there are plenty of Vince McMahon stories out there where he's been said to casually drop plenty of F-Bombs) Now, it's hard to believe Vince hadn't heard it by this point based on comments in there which had made against him, but the way he phrased this particular remark about the language used made Punk sound like little more than a disgruntled employee who had gone on a foul mouthed tirade against the company. As a result, that's no doubt the notion which has been left in the minds of those fans who watched this without hearing Punk's side, a smart, but arguably very sly move on Vince's part (if that was the intention). Punk wasn't too impressed with these comments or Vince's apology either, as he later dismissed them as a publicity stunt and branded them insincere.
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