8 Most Bitter Moments In CM Punk And WWE's Feud

2. WWE Doctor Sues CM Punk

Did you really think the WWE weren't bothered by CM Punk's comments? While there's little they could do about his complaints about how things are run backstage, they took umbrage about his comments that their concussion test is a joke, and specifically Punk's claims that the company's doctor refused to treat a staph infection he had for months (which he claims could have killed him if left untreated for much longer). They quickly put together a video in an attempt to debunk Punk's claims, and that was followed by Dr. Chris Amann, WWE€™s senior ringside physician (and the one the former WWE Superstar was referring to during that podcast), filing a defamation lawsuit against both CM Punk and Colt Cabana, something you have to believe he wouldn't and couldn't do without his WWE bosses giving him the go ahead. Of course, it's understandable why he would file a lawsuit as he has a career and reputation to protect. Punk meanwhile is also the only person to speak out against him, though those still employed by the WWE aren't likely to start making similar claims in fear of being fired! Regardless, if fan theories about this all being a plot by WWE to get some form of revenge on Punk for the nature of his departure and subsequent comments, it's pretty damn awful of them, especially if Punk's damaging claims are accurate. As of right now, it appears as if the $1 million lawsuit is moving ahead, so more details about Punk's claims are sure to follow in the coming months...
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