8 Most Pointless WWE PPV Matches Of 2017 (So Far)

8. Seth Rollins Vs. Samoa Joe (Payback)

Seth Rollins Samoa Joe

There was nothing wrong with Seth Rollins vs. Samoa Joe at Payback in terms of actual wrestling. Other than the fact it was sandwiched between the cringeworthy 'House Of Horrors' segments pitting Randy Orton against Bray Wyatt, Rollins vs. Joe was actually decent. The problem here? It came way too late to mean anything.

Joe debuted on the main roster and attacked Seth at Triple H's behest. That happened in January. Admittedly, an injury suffered by Rollins during the beatdown did curtail possible plans for a Fastlane match, but Payback was too late in the story. After all, Rollins had just beaten Triple H convincingly at WrestleMania.

Why did he need to go through the guy who had been painted as a heavy when he had already toppled the boss? After WrestleMania, Rollins claiming he needed to settle scores with Joe felt out of place. This was one pay-per-view loss the Samoan didn't need to take, and the match meant little after the proposed Fastlane slot had been missed.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.