8 Most Shocking Kurt Angle WWE Moments

5. Edge Shaves Kurt's Head Bald

Kurt Angle Bald Judgement Day 2002

Today's fans are very much used to seeing the bald head of Kurt Angle, but that wasn't the case back in 2002. When Edge won a 'Hair vs. Hair' match against Kurt at Judgment Day and then shaved his rival's hair completely off, Angle's chrome dome looked pretty weird for a few months.

Hair matches are a rarity in WWE, so much so that the company haven't promoted one since CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio at 2010's Extreme Rules. As good as that one was though, it couldn't hold a candle to Angle vs. Edge. Aside from the goofy stipulations, those guys always had excellent matches and showed tremendous chemistry.

After he'd been shaved, Kurt continued the gag by wearing a horrendous wig and ear muffs combo for a while. By late-Summer, he embraced the new look and eventually it became part of his act. When working the 'wrestling machine' gimmick later, Angle looked menacing with his bald head and steely eyes.

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