8 Most Underrated Texas Wrestlers

3. Nidia

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Now hold on there, cowboy, before you start attacking me in the comments just understand that I'm not claiming that the first female winner of WWE Tough Enough was the second coming of Ricky Steamboat or anything. 

She obviously wasn't, and in fact she barely wrestled at all, instead being used primarily for bikini contests and serving as Jamie Noble's on-screen girlfriend/manager. But boy was she good in that latter role. The 'trailer trash' couple were a hoot, hamming it up gloriously during promos and backstage segments. 

But Nidia didn't just stand at ringside for her man during this period, and she wasn't against getting her hands dirty in mixed-tag and intergender matches. Were any of those SmackDown midcard affairs classics? No, but Nidia displayed a keen grasp of the importance of selling and facial expressions. She could take a bump, too. 

Nidia was great when it came to her character work, whether she was inheriting millions of dollars from a dead relative or acting as though she was blinded after being hit with a deadly black mist by Tajiri. Unfortunately, once she was split from Noble and moved to Raw, her career flatlined. She was released in November 2004 during a routine bit of talent purging. 

Her time in wrestling was short-lived but she made an impression in that time. Despite WWE asking her to play up her Puerto Rican roots and speak Spanish once she was moved to Raw, the Daisy-Dukes wearing Nidia was born and raised in Houston, Texas. 

In this post: 
Paul London
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...