8 New Roles That Would Revive Stale WWE Talent

6. David Otunga - Network Host

Rhyno wwe

Similar to Percy Watson and Byron Saxton, David Otunga has limited in-ring experience in WWE and is an odd choice for colour commentator. A product of the original NXT competition, Otunga has wrestled fewer matches than most on the roster and considerably fewer than most colour commentators in the past.

By contrast, the recurring colour commentators of the past decade have included the likes of Booker T, Jerry Lawler, JBL, Tazz, and Mick Foley. All of those men were a World Champion at some point in their careers. Even Matt Striker was a worthy addition to the broadcast table, with a natural flair, extensive vocabulary, and historical knowledge of the business.

Otunga was traded to Raw in exchange for Byron Saxton in the Superstar Shake-Up in April. However, he has yet to appear in the role due to acting commitments outside of WWE. With Booker T currently filling his spot on Raw, a return for Otunga to replace Booker would be a severe downgrade. Meanwhile, the SmackDown booth has three people at the desk already.

As part of a live broadcast team, Otunga hasn't been good. A switch to a role on WWE Network programming will be far more beneficial, while it would play into his growing experiences as an actor, where he can prepare, do re-takes and rehearse .

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!