8 People Who Went Into WWE Hall Of Fame For The Wrong Reasons

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Inducted For Promoting His Own Movies On WWE's Time

Arnold is taking his place in the Hall for simply showing up on WWE TV as part of a promotional agreement. Back in 1999, Arnie appeared on SmackDown so he could plug his new movie 'End Of Days' to the WWE audience. A brief scuffle with Triple H made for fun viewing but it was clear then and it's clear now (the episode is on the WWE Network) that Arnie's agenda was to push his latest blockbuster and helping WWE came secondary. Interestingly, the timing of his induction into the Hall Of Fame this year also coincides with another big movie he is starring in with the June released 'Terminator Genisys'. In return for this most bogus of inductions, Arnie and Paramount has allowed/encouraged Triple H to use a Terminator inspired entrance at WrestleMania 31. The truth behind all is this is that WWE and Paramount have are actually working together on the €œFor The Hero In All Of Us€ campaign which will lead to much cross-promoting between the companies as the year goes on. With that ind mind, it doesn't take long to figure out exactly why Arnie's turn for the Hall of Fame has come up at this time. Hunter, who received the most devastating of backhands from Schwarzenegger on that fateful episode of SmackDown, is a long time admirer of the former Mr Universe so maybe this induction will feel more authentic than it has any actual right to be.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.