8 Questions Only WWE Kayfabe Era Children Would Understand

3. Wasn't That Broken A Minute Ago?

If there was anything in wrestling more impressive to a child than recurring feats of cartoonish muscularity, it was constant displays of pain tolerance. I learned in the third grade (the hard way) that one good suplex was more than enough to end a fight, so I marvelled at guys taking dozens of bumps and coming back for more. However, there came a point where it seemed less like they had sky-high thresholds for punishment, and more like they defied medical history every night. Bone fractures could heal in the space of three rest holds, crowd noise would wake people from comas, and you could body slam someone with a separated shoulder as long as you just winced afterwards. It was science (?) By all human standards, Hulk Hogan should have been coming down to the ring looking like the Yeti by 1987. I could only surmise that with sufficiently Hulkamaniacal amounts of training, praying and vitamins, the limits of human resistance could be pushed almost as far as the limits of python circumference.

CKUT radio host, underground lyricist, Michael Myers scholar and all-around world-class opiner. Signature move: Irony Bomb. Blood type: chai. Never seen in the same place and time as Logic Johnson, former featured columnist for Bleacher Report. Hopelessly unfamiliar with Yellow Submarine.