8 Reasons Bret Hart Deserved To Be Screwed At Survivor Series 1997

2. Bret Wanted to Break A "Time Honoured Tradition"

If a champion is leaving a wrestling company, whether it is for good or taking time away from the ring, it has always been a tradition that this superstar lose in his final match on the way out of the territory. Up to that point, the booker always made the decision on who wins and who loses...regardless of how the talent feels about the decision. With Bret Hart refusing to lose to Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series 1997, he was breaking a tradition that was handed down from generation to generation of professional wrestling greats. As old school as Bret Hart was, it's a bit shocking that he didn't understand the logic behind doing the right thing in this situation. It shouldn't have mattered to Bret if he was going to lose in Canada to Shawn Michaels because Bret was heading to WCW for a completely fresh start in the wrestling business. On a side note, with WCW being WCW, they weren't able to truly capitalize on the overwhelming amount of sympathy that a majority of pro wrestling fans had for Bret. Vince McMahon literally sent the biggest baby face in the industry at that point because of "The Montreal Screwjob" directly to his competition where he should've been positioned to immediately be involved in World Title contention. Bret didn't do what was best for business for his future. He had to live with the burden of "being screwed" for years to come. However, he unknowingly helped WWE launch one of their most legendary characters...

Hailing from the Jersey Shore, Jay brings a lifetime of pro wrestling knowledge and writing experience to WhatCulture! As the owner of Pro Wrestling Powerhouse, Jay has had the opportunity to interview the likes of Lex Luger, Jake Roberts, Diamond Dallas Page, Superstar Billy Graham, Maria Kanellis and many others.