8 Talented Young Wrestlers Who Were Screwed By WCW's Demise

2. Kanyon

Chris Kanyon was one of those glue guys in WCW from the mid-1990s right until the end of the company in 2001. He was never a guy that was going to be a main eventer, but he was so talented in the ring and showed a lot of personality on the microphone that he was able to win over fans because of how hard he worked. When he became a part of WWE in 2001 he was 31 years old with a lot of experience. There weren't too many highlights for him in WWE aside from being given the US Title, calling himself the "Invasion MVP" as a way to play up his delusion that he was a big star and the "Who betta than Kanyon?" question he would ask all the time. Kanyon suffered major knee and shoulder injuries while in WWE, which led to him disappearing from the main roster even though he was in WWE for about three years. Things never got going for him when he got healthy because WWE chose to push other guys and he had an injury prone label by that point. He was always a guy that had a role in WCW thanks to his ability to have great matches all the time. When he got to WWE, things were different. A few years after retiring, he admitted that he was gay and wrote a book about all the things he went through in his life. Sadly, he committed suicide in 2010 due to depression issues.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.