8 Things About Wrestling That Just Don’t Make Sense

2. Submission Rope Breaks Make The Move Look Fake

The ability to end a submission manoeuvre by reaching the ropes is key in wrestling as it gives wrestlers a method of breaking out of a hold without actually having to physically break the hold. In theory this makes perfect sense, after all you wouldn€™t want to make a wrestlers submission finisher seem weak by having it countered all the time and so rope breaks allow the submission to be released whilst still maintaining the impression that it is difficult to escape from. Where this idea is let down however is in its execution. Chris Jericho€™s €˜Walls of Jericho€™ submission finisher is perhaps one of the best examples of this point. When Jericho locks in this submission hold in order for his opponent to reach the ropes to break the hold, Jericho has to move to the ropes with him. Even if you are open minded enough to believe that the opponent has the strength to force Jericho over to the ropes with him, the problem arises because of the fact that the move requires Jericho takes a number of very obvious and blatant steps backwards in order to allow his opponent to reach the ropes, which just results in making the move look fake. John Cena€™s €˜STF/STFU€™ is another prime example of this. Whilst you don€™t often see it because of some greater camerawork, or indeed because opponents rarely escape the move (Cena wins LOL), Cena has to actively crawl with his opponent towards the ropes in order for the opponent to reach them. Walking backwards is one thing, but to physically crawl with your opponent to the ropes? There€™s no way of disguising the effort required to do that. And yet despite Cena doing this we are still supposed to believe that he€™s trying to hurt his opponent? It just doesn€™t make sense!
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AJ Lee
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Sports betting enthusiast whose main interests are rugby, football and MMA. Also a huge WWE fan and a self diagnosed TV & movies addict, with a particular love of anything Marvel or Dan Harmon related.