8 Things We Learned From Hulk Hogan On Talk Is Jericho

6. Vince Sr. Forbid Him To Be In Rocky III

If this is true, it's mind boggling to imagine that a wrestling promoter would have a problem with one of their workers taking a role in a major motion picture like Rocky III, especially considering that at the time, Hogan was still establishing himself in the sport and wasn't anything close to the star he was about to become. At first glance the timeline doesn't really appear to add up, as Hulk was in the AWA at the time and that's what the story has always been, but he can have the benefit of the doubt on this one. Hogan says that Vince, Sr. gave him an ultimatum that if he did the movie he would never work for the WWE again, but due to the fact that he had a comfortable spot in Japan Hulkster called his bluff and became Thunderlips anyway. Hogan also sets the record straight on who actually landed him the part, denying that Gorilla Monsoon originally had the role and that neither Bill Apter, George Napolitano, Arnold Skaaland or any of the other men who have supposedly made the claim, instead crediting Peter Young who wound up becoming his agent.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.