8 Things That Could Tempt CM Punk To Make WWE Return

5. Give Him More Creative Control

CM Punk Promo Pic

Punk's annoyance about his booking and the constant 'favours' he had to keep doing for the office (namely doing jobs for part timers like Brock Lesnar) were among the biggest gripes he lay before Vince McMahon and Triple H during that fateful meeting of the minds the night after the 2014 Royal Rumble.

In what would surely be one of his first contract demands during any potential negotiations, Punk would absolutely want more creative control over how his character is used. There should be no more 'favours' and no more putting people over to the point where it totally damages his own stock. Whilst he obviously shouldn't be able to book himself as the victor in every scenario, the very least he deserves is more of a say in how he's used both in and out of the ring.

He needs total freedom on the microphone to express himself in unscripted promos (within reason in terms of swearing, time constraints etc), and he needs to have more say in what happens in terms of wins/losses in his respective feuds without fear of prejudice from authority figures above him. 

Granted, as a wrestler you can't always get what you want and win every single week, that wouldn't be even remotely fair. However, there's little doubt Punk could've been used better as a main event commodity, and going forward he'd absolutely have to be treated better if they're to keep him sweet.

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Multimedia Sports Journalist based in London. Sports obsessive (real or pre-determined!) who really should get out more. Twitter: @nick_sellers