8 Things That Doomed Seth Rollins WWE Title Reign From The Start

4. John Cena Setting The Midcard Ablaze

Seth Rollins Wwe Title Extreme Rules

The same night Seth Rollins won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, another champion was crowned with hopes he would inject life into a title. That man was John Cena, and his prize was the downtrodden United States Championship.

Immediately after winning it from Rusev, the John Cena open challenge became required viewing, and is consistently the most exciting part of RAW. It was a place where careers were born, and rebirthed. Cena's matches and promos benefited from being tucked away from the main event picture, while Rollins struggled with adjusting to life on top.

In a way, Bryan and Cena winning the mid-card titles showed the company didn't really trust Rollins as World Champion, and slowly the best matches in the company were being contested for the United States Championship. Imagine if Daniel Bryan didn't get injured.

In theory, it would be easy for him to anchor these stacked cards with legit stars holding things down underneath, but with John Cena submitting perhaps the best year of his career, some have called for Cena to be the rightful World Champion.

At SummerSlam, the world will be waiting to see what Seth Rollins is capable of, and he will do it against the man who has stolen his spotlight...John Cena. 

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Rich Latta II is a lifelong wrestling fan. He also writes for PWMania.com & SocialSuplex.Com....find all his links at RichLattaWrestling.com Reddit name RichLatta32 He thinks of wrestling as the 3rd Major Sport, Follow him on twitter @RichLatta32 He Runs a Podcast called @OneNationRadio (follow that too) with his buddy James Boyd, that covers WWE, Music, Sports, and Pop Culture. http://onenationradio.podbean.com/ Or Type One Nation Radio into the Podbean App Comment the articles & Tweet Him Now!! Rich also is an aspiring hip hop artist and proud member of the #WrassleRap Community & Music Producer