8 Things That Must Happen At WWE Battleground 2017

2. Don't Go The Predictable Route; Put Rusev Over

Jinder Mahal, Randy Orton

I think it's fair to suggest that most people are expecting John Cena to win at Battleground, thereby setting him up for a WWE Championship showdown with Jinder Mahal - possibly as soon as SummerSlam.

Instead, can't Rusev beat Cena for once? Just this once? The Bulgarian Brute has consistently been one of the most under-appreciated superstars in WWE - a heel capable of being both brutal and hilarious.

Hopefully Rusev can find a way to triumph over the Face that Runs the Place on Sunday, although this may depend on the stipulation. Although billed as a 'flag match', it's not yet clear what that entails. If it involves physically grabbing a flag from the other side of the ring, Rusev will be in with a better chance. Otherwise, it's hard to see WWE allowing him a pinfall or submission victory over the megastar.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.