8 Things We Learned From Shawn Michaels On Talk Is Jericho Part 1

6. Thoughts On His Pupils

Daniel Bryan Brian Kendrick While Daniel Bryan is obviously the most notable of Shawn Michaels' trainees, he also had a hand in laying the foundation for Brian Kendrick, Paul London and the late Lance Cade. Chris asks if HBK saw something in Bryan from the start, to which he replies that he definitely did. "You could see that Lance, Brian and Brian would be three guys that certainly looked like they were willing to go ahead and pay the price, and wait, and starve." Shawn says he told the two Brians that Lance would get the first look due to his size and that they were fighting a more difficult uphill battle similar to what he faced when he was coming up in the ranks. "It's going to be a longer road for you guys because you're going to get the 'me' treatment." He reiterated the same words of advice he received from Ted DiBiase, that eventually talent will make its way to the top. Kendrick and Danielson pushed each other all the time to become better and it's high praise from one of the greatest when he says they were "the two best guys in the world to train."

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.