8 Things We Learned From Tyler Breeze On The Sam Roberts Show

6. Finding His Groove

While discussing the office viewing him as someone who can be depended upon to have a good match with anyone they put him in the ring with, talk then turns to how far into his career he was before he earned that distinction. In regards to how long it took him to become confident in his work and get to the point where he knew he would be able to deliver with anyone at any time, Breeze says it depends because it can vary from person to person. He says that he had four years of experience before he made it to WWE and he was decent, but nothing like he is now. After about a year and a half in his current gimmick, he finally felt comfortable with being Tyler Breeze, who his character is and what he does. Now he's at the point where he doesn't have to think about it anymore as it just comes naturally to him. He also points out that he tried several different things before he finally found the right groove, and after two years of being Tyler Breeze he's now settled in and confident in his work.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.