8 Things We Learned From Tyler Breeze On The Sam Roberts Show

5. Incorporating Technology Into His Gimmick

The hosts talk about how Tyler Breeze is known for his entertainment value and how he's managed to work current technology into his gimmick, citing his utilization of the selfie stick and Periscope, and he is asked what the next step in that evolution is. He says he doesn't want to give too much away but they've got a few things in the works. He says if WWE is going to do anything with technology - which is basically advancing daily - he's probably going to be the guy that's doing it. Co-host Katie Linendoll points out what a great position that is to have as it keeps him at the forefront and set up to always remain current. Roberts adds that it says a lot that Tyler Breeze would be the character chosen to be the most technologically advanced. Tyler responds that a lot of things have already been done in WWE for years and he's thankful to be given the chances to do something different and to be successful at them is awesome. He talks about streaming a video from a phone to the Titan-tron and that it may seem simple enough yet nobody had done it until he came along. He comments on working with Periscope and Facebook Live, and also says they're planning on incorporating a drone into his act. He takes pride in being the one who gets to break in these new things.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.