8 Things We Learned From WWE’s Sting: The Lost Tape

2. Sting Was Vader's Favourite Opponent

Sting Vader

There's a brief attempt to tie Slamboree 1995 in with the previous year's event when Vader shows up (without his mask) to talk about Sting. The big man doesn't take long to reveal that the Stinger was his favourite babyface to work with, or that their Slamboree '94 match is one he cherished.

That was a stunner, to be fair.

Vader didn't exactly look comfortable talking to the camera out of character, but he clearly respected Sting enough to appear and give him some seriously high praise. Keep in mind that the monster heel had worked with the likes of Ric Flair, Stan Hansen and Mick Foley by this point. None of those guys could top the personal satisfaction working with Sting gave Vader.

It's reasonable to assume that Vader's experiences with Sting were never topped when he moved to the WWF in 1996. That two-year run, all things considered, was a bit of a flop. Vader didn't really fit into Vince McMahon's organisation, and he certainly wouldn't have enjoyed a match more than Slamboree '94.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.