8 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Layla

7. She Was Not A Big Fan Of Wrestling Growing Up

There are a lot of Superstars or Divas who, when interviewed by mainstream media or press, tend to give cliched answers of growing up wrestling fans and idolizing the giants of the industry. Most of the time, they are easy answers that make them look better than they would had they said they had no previous aspirations of ever stepping in the ring. In his 2011 WWE Home Video release, Randy Orton denounced that response, denying that he ever had dreams or goals of competing as a WWE Superstar until the opportunity presented itself. Add Layla to the list of opportunistic young men and women who took advantage of an "in," as she told NZPWI out of New Zealand during during a 2010 interview.
I was a fan of The Rock as I was growing up. My mom was a fan of wrestling €“ my mom and my little sister €“ they€™d watch it but I was a fan of The Rock to be honest, but that also intrigued me to say €œoh, OK I€™ll try it out!€
It should be no surprise to anyone that a Diva Search contestant was not a fan of wrestling prior to becoming involved with it. There is a misconception that seemingly surrounds the sports-entertainment industry that suggests that, if a Superstar or Diva did not love the business growing up, they will never love it as much as those who devoted their entire lives to it. Here's a newsflash: No one endures the incredibly difficult travel schedule that today's Superstars and Divas do without having some sort of passion for what they do. The schedule alone weeds out this dispassionate from the rest of the crop and exposes them. Brock Lesnar, Nathan Jones...there are plenty who gave up when they realized that the checks were nice, but not worth the wear and tear. That Layla has stuck around proves that she may not have had the wrestling bug before she entered the Diva Search competition but she certainly got bit somewhere along the line early in her career.
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Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.