8 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Michael Cole

3. Five Time Worst Announcer Of The Year

Wrestling Observer Newsletter have named Michael Cole their 'Worst Announcer of the Year' five times, a total which is quite frankly impressive. Equally impressive is the sheer distance between the awards. His first came in 2001, before he astonishingly won the accolade every year between 2009 and 2012. It's probably no coincidence that his heel run fell within this period. In fairness to Cole, as unflattering as this record is, a lot of the criticism aimed at him during this time applied to WWE on the whole. Vince has always enjoyed keeping his announcers on a short leash, as leaks of scripts and forbidden words (such as "wrestling", "wrestlers", and the calling of various moves) will attest. Cole is on the frontline when it comes to such criticism, but he's far from the only person at blame. Oh, and he even won 'Worst Gimmick' in 2011, which - for a non-wrestler - is pretty damn remarkable.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.