8 Times WWE Purposefully Sabotaged Other Companies

5. The WWE NXT UK Brand

Nxt Uk

As referenced during the intro, WWE likely view the United Kingdom as their territory. As a global product, the company have enjoyed running annual house shows (and, more recently, TV tapings) in the country since the '90s. Now, the new WWE NXT UK brand will enable them to monopolise British wrestling.

The only ones hurt by this are various independent promotions who have been steadily raising the scene's profile over the past decade.

Look at the way contracts have been handled for those involved in either WWE's United Kingdom Title Tournament shows or signed to the new brand for proof of WWE's strategy. Talents are barred from working for certain promotions, mainly those with a YouTube presence or DVD sales, and the ones they can work for are at WWE's discretion.

This is absolutely smart, but it's another example of the promotion stomping on smaller organisations to feed their own insatiable lust for complete dominance. It simply cannot be coincidence that Scotland's ICW, for example, started running popular arena shows and were then welcomed under the WWE umbrella.

Sabotage comes in many forms.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.