8 Upcoming Dwayne Johnson Movies You Need To Know About

6. Baywatch (2017)

This one's simple. Baywatch is a reboot of the classic (?) TV show of the same name, you know, the one that starred Hasselhoff and Pam Anderson? Don't worry too much though, because word on the street is this remake's got a Jump Street style twist on the property, and a cast and crew that suggests it's firmly chasing laughs. Johnson would star alongside Zac Efron, and be under the guidance of director Seth Gordon (Horrible Bosses). Johnson's been attached to this one for a while, but the project recently collected momentum with the addition of Efron. Given that Efron's in pretty high demand himself, and that a February 2016 production has already been ear-marked, I wouldn't be surprised to see this meet its anticipated 2017 release. Efron and Johnson should bounce nicely off each other,and if this is anywhere near as sharp as the aforementioned Jump Street efforts, expect to be pleasantly surprised. Baywatch currently has a 2017 release slot.

Writer, cinephile and owner of Vampire's Kiss on DVD. Take from that what you will.