8 Upcoming Dwayne Johnson Movies You Need To Know About

5. Big Trouble In Little China (2016)

Another remake, but this time of a decidedly more beloved property. Which might not be a good thing. This remake of John Carpenter's 1986 original would see Johnson step into Kurt Russell's shoes, as an incompetent truck driver who must do battle with a sorcerer in Chinatown. Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz (the team behind X-Men: First Class) are on adaptation duty, with no director yet attached. Stentz and Miller are good writers, but I'm trepidatious about this one. Firstly, for all his charm, Johnson feels ill-suited to this part. Somebody of Johnson's size, stature and innate athletic ability is going to struggle as a deluded wannabe hero, because he's obviously so driven, committed and capable. Maybe Stentz and Miller are writing the lead differently this time around, but recycling the clownish Russell routine with Johnson would be a hard pill to swallow. I'm rooting for it, but in honesty, don't hold a great deal of hope. Big Trouble in Little China is pegged for release sometime in 2016.

Writer, cinephile and owner of Vampire's Kiss on DVD. Take from that what you will.