8 Upcoming Dwayne Johnson Movies You Need To Know About

4. Jungle Cruise (???)

Jungle Cruise was only announced last week, so it remains to be seen if it'll hold on Johnson's slate for long. Although as it's so fresh, it definitely warrants a mention. The project's based on one of the original Disneyland attractions, and whilst the plot is being kept under wraps, it's safe to assume it'll probably involve Johnson hitting some sort of tropical environment, and doing action star-y things. Glenn Ficarra and John Requa (Crazy, Stupid Love & Focus) are writing the script, which is good, because they're talented dudes. Disney have gone the theme park route before, with mixed results. Whilst the Pirates of Caribbean films continue to pull huge coin, 2003's The Haunted Mansion and this year's Tomorrowland were much less successful. All eventualities are probably running through the studio's mind, but attaching Johnson is a sensible step toward a favourable result. Audiences continually turn-up to see him, and with Jungle Cruise, the actor can win back the younger family demographic his last few films have skewed away from. Jungle Cruise doesn't have a release date yet, but with Johnson's beefy slate and the complications that come with a blockbusting production, I'd estimate 2018 is the soonest we'll see it.

Writer, cinephile and owner of Vampire's Kiss on DVD. Take from that what you will.