8 Ups & 0 Downs From WWE SmackDown (21 June - Results & Review)

4. That Main Event Mini-Tease

Cody Rhodes Bloodline Solo Sikoa Tama Tonga Loa

Let's face it: Everyone knew Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa was going to get cut short by a Bloodline invasion. This will probably be the title match at MITB, so it wouldn't have made sense to give Cody vs. Solo away in full on this week's episode of SmackDown. Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa made sure that didn't happen.

Correct call, people.

The 90 seconds or so of action fans did get pre-Bloodline interference was telling though. Rhodes slapped Solo around. That had to be deliberate; WWE told the tale of Sikoa being in above his head against someone as skilled as Cody. The new 'Tribal Chief' needs time to strategise before tackling Rhodes on PLE.

Ideally, Rhodes vs. Sikoa will be 'No DQ' (or something to that effect) in Canada. Then, they can use all the bells and whistles of Bloodline/Kevin Owens/Randy Orton interference to help keep things balanced. Why not, eh? Solo won't be winning the belt, but he should look competitive.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.