8 Ups & 1 Down From Impact Wrestling (Jul 7)

2. Something Different

While Impact Wrestling's tag team division is absolutely brilliant, it's far too common that they often just chuck a few teams in together for a multi-team bout. While these matches are typically decent matches, it does get stale after a while. However, this week's affair between XXXL, Reno Scum, The Deaners, and TJP and Fallah Bahh was entirely different to the usual multi-team concept.

Kicking things off with a bang straight off the bat, all eight men involved shone, something that can usually be a tricky thing to achieve. Cousin Jake vaulted himself over the ropes, Acey Romero and Larry D squashed Cody Deaner between their bodies, and Fallah Bahh cartwheeled like it was nothing. That was just a taste of what was on offer throughout this one, making for an immensely enjoyable contest. With the likes of The North and The Rascalz dominating the division at times, you can often easily forget some of these other pairings, so matches like this are seriously needed.

TJP, Bahh, Adam Thornstowe, and Luster The Legend brawled to the back towards the end of the match, again adding another layer to these sorts of matches. Cousin Jake planted Larry D with a casual swinging side slam to secure the three count for he and Cody Deaner, offering you a reminder of just how strong Jake can be at times. Don't let the hilarity of The Deaners overshadow that fact.

Going forward, these multi-team matches should continue to be different from what we've become used to. It doesn't need to be anything too major, as long as it's something unique.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.