8 Ups & 1 Down From WWE NXT (Jul 20)

4. Mariachi Madness Gets Hit By A Swerve

Swerve WWE

For those who had their hopes unexpectedly raised by the thought of an impromptu Mariachi Madness segment, only to have them dashed by Santos Escobar's refusal to lower himself to Hit Row's standards, in short, I feel you.

In place of this musical accompaniment being cut down before its time, however, we had the arrival of a Hit Row who needed to get something off their chests. Taking aim at Legado del Fantasma, the talented troupe fired off a series of cutting raps on the trio, with Top Dolla mocking the diminutive unit and Isaiah 'Swerve' Scott shedding light on why he set up the group in the first place - he'd learned from his past experiences with the dastardly Mexican force. You've got to love some long-term storytelling.

Before long, the teams finally came to blows after last week's odd decision to respectfully steer clear from violence. Escobar set his boys on Top Dolla and Adonis, leaving the two leaders to duke it out in the middle of the ring. However, after attempting to take a swing (Ever-Rise still rules!) at Swerve with a guitar left behind by the gone-too-soon band, B-FAB stifled the shot and opened the door for Joaquin Wilde to be made an example out of by some strings.

It's quite admirable how NXT have managed to make a feud we've already seen done to death just 12-months ago somehow feel like a fresh rivalry again. Both stars are in completely different phases of their development now, meaning that the pair's eventual clash over the North American Championship will no doubt top those previous battles over the Cruiserweight gold too.

Who knows, in another 12-month's time, perhaps these two will be colliding over the NXT Championship...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...