8 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE Royal Rumble 2024 (Results & Review)

6. That US Title Finish

WWE Royal Rumble 2024 Kevin Owens Logan Paul

This...this was excellent.

Special mention goes to the referee for his performance right at the tail end of the United States Title bout. He was busy counting, but spotted brass knuckles on Kevin Owens' hand. That caused a DQ for the babyface, and heartbreak for those who hoped to see the detestable Logan Paul get some comeuppance.

LP's title reign marches on, and it was all really, really good stuff. The finish proved to be an expert piece of booking savvy that sets up a gimmicked rematch between both guys. Look out for that at 'Mania. There, Owens will presumably blast Paul in the face with the knuckles again (legally this time) and take the prize home.

As usual, Logan showed he's a natural in this game. Kev needs a pat on the back for being the best possible babyface foil for Paul's easy-to-boo antics though - Owens looked crestfallen when the ref effectively stopped him from giving LP a taste of his own medicine.

Amazing scenes.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.