8 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 16)
1. "I Love You Too"

"I love you too!"
That was what Jey Uso screamed at Roman as he rained chair shots down on his cousin's back before SmackDown went off the air. It was a passionate outburst, and one of the best babyface moments in recent memory. Also, the way the refs grabbed the chair and left Jey open to a Reigns' sucker punch was smoothly done.
This is, simply put, one of the best stories WWE has produced in a good while. It continues to get better and better with each passing week, and it's hardly like the creative team are forcing things. They script one or two story beats for Jey and Roman to work with, then sit back and let them do their thing.
Provided they don't think Uso needs to win the Universal Title (he doesn't/won't) and can come up with an out at HIAC, then this feud could happily roll on for another couple of months. Why stop something that's absolutely smashing it right now?
What did you think of this week's WWE SmackDown? For more like this, check out Ranking Every Halloween Havoc From Worst To Best and 10 Things We Learned From Kurt Angle On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions Podcast!