8 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (15 April)
4. Myers Meets His Poison
.@Myers_Wrestling cuts @JakeSomething_ in half! #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/ntHgm6qdz9
The first of two pick your poison encounters saw Matt Cardona choose a Hardcore Justice rematch, having Jake Something as Brian Myers’ mystery opponent. Something entered with a passion in his face; the passion that drives a man to championships.
Easily an improvement on their BlindGames match last Saturday, the former Cousin Jake wasted no time in picking Myers apart. Immediately knocking ‘The Most Professional Wrestler’ off his feet with a shoulder tackle, Something spent the rest of the match on the offensive. An attempted Black Hole Slam was reversed later in the match, with the finish seeing Myers being chased around ringside, clocking Jake with a Roster Cut lariat for the three count.
Not necessarily a great match by any means, but it did what it needed to. Like what was said at Hardcore Justice, Brian Myers and Jake Something could genuinely do something incredible in IMPACT if they were given a proper storyline to work with. This was a great starting block for what could be a tremendous story post-Rebellion.