8 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (15 April)
5. Anderson Shoots Down Steve
.@MachineGunKA NAILS the spinebuster. #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/QRvGA46cdY
Karl Anderson vs. Crazzy Steve was exactly what it needed to be in the early going, as Anderson went wild on the Decay man. Aside from a slight slog of rest holds in the middle of the bout, this was a solid little match that followed up perfectly on the randomness that was Doc Gallows vs. Black Taurus at Hardcore Justice.
This was made better by Karl only appearing frightened of Steve when the former World Tag Team Champion showed a bit of intensity. Crazzy Steve, while technically a babyface, is still capable of coming unhinged when the time is correct. He did so perfectly here, showing the level of intensity that brings with it tag team titles. A spinebuster ended his troubles here off a ringside distraction from Doc Gallows.
A random match on paper that was pulled off quite well. ‘The Machine Gun’s’ early period of ferocity kicked the match off in the gear it needed to be in. A good bit of business all around, this was.