8 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE NXT Halloween Havoc 2022


8. The End Of T-BAR

Dominik Dijakovic T-BAR WWE

T-BAR is no more.

Read the intro to this piece and you'll see some excited dribbling about a brief vignette that was hidden in amongst a collection of other-such promos on the show. Some reviewers appear to have missed it, and they defo can't be blamed for skipping through all of those recaps about The Miz winning the WWE Title in 2010.

Dominik Dijakovic, or some version of him, is coming back to NXT. At Halloween Havoc, Dija chucked his old Retribution mask into the fire and watched it burn to a crisp. He didn't really show up on camera, but that was definitely the T-BAR mask. Christ, everyone will be glad to see the back of that gimmick.

Vic Joseph and Booker T (who were excellent, by the way) didn't mention this on comms afterwards. The pair simply moved on to the next segment, and it was like Dominik's mask-burning moment never happened. It did - yours truly didn't make it up.

No fever dreams here.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.