8 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 10)

3. Becks Takes Her Eye Off The Ball

Becky Lynch Zoey Stark

Becky Lynch gave Zoey Stark some lumps during their ultra-physical back-and-forth bout, but the veteran also let Zoey shine with some key spots throughout. In particular, a springboard missile dropkick from Stark looked insanely good, and she came out of the match feeling like a bigger star than she was going in.

Mission accomplished from 'The Man' then.

Becks took her eyes off the prize just for a second due to Trish Stratus' hijinks around ringside, and that cost her. This was a top showing from all involved, and it bodes well for Zoey that she looked like a neat fit opposite one of the top stars in the entire women's division.

The roll-up finish is what it is, but it does further the story heading into SummerSlam. People would also moan if Stark was just eating losses left, right and centre, so this was a fine direction to take things. Beating Lynch is huge for Zoey, screwy circumstances or not.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.