8 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 10)

2. Drew McIntyre Sends A Message

Drew McIntyre Matt Riddle

Christ, that was a hot tag match pitting Drew McIntyre and Matt Riddle vs. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci. Again, like with Miz vs. Ciampa and Lynch vs. Stark, the better-established names gave their counterparts loads to work with. That's always nice to report.

GUNTHER, who was around ringside, got increasingly flustered by Drew's antics throughout, then interfered. The babyfaces still got the last laugh, as expected. McIntyre vs. GUNTHER for the IC strap is going to be sweet, and there are no worries about how things panned out on Monday to build towards it.

If one was nitpicking, he'd maybe suggest giving Kaiser and Vinci a few wins against lower-ranked tandems so these moments matter just that tiny bit more. That's definitely reading into things heavy though, because there's certainly nothing wrong with them staring at the lights for guys like Drew and Riddle.

Great piece of business.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.