8 Ups & 5 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Dec 22)

1. Do We Have To?

Why EC3 and Moose's cinematic clash at Bound For Glory was chosen as one of the matches to revisit this week is beyond this writer's imagination. The rivalry was dragged out aside from one or two interesting moments, and the match itself wasn't anything special. You can't blame that on the fact it was a cinematic contest, either, as these types of matches can work, so long as it's for the right moment. EC3 vs. Moose wasn't one of those moments.

To be positive for a moment, the match did what it needed to in order to get Moose over as a genuine threat to the locker room. It's a shame that we had to plod our way through this to get to that point, though. Bringing EC3 back to the place he made himself, and then only use him for this dismal rivalry was one of a handful of booking mistakes made by Impact management throughout 2020.

'The Essential Character' needs to return to Impact in the future. There was plenty of buzz surrounding his return at Slammiversary's conclusion as it appeared as if he'd be treated as a big-time deal once more, which was most definitely needed following his WWE stint. Sure, he had a marquee match at Bound For Glory, but does that really matter when a) he lost, and b) it was memorable for all the wrong reasons?


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.