8 Ups & 5 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling Hardcore Justice 2021

2. Team Canada 2.0

Right, so, that three-way tag featuring the Rebellion X Division Championship match competitors was a decent match. We’d be silly to not mention Fallah Bahh’s ability here, though. The superheavyweight is bad. Not bad as in green, just bad.

Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, TJP, Josh Alexander, and the returning Petey Williams put in a grand effort to kick off Hardcore Justice, the capabilities of Ace and Fulton together being the real highlight here. Having only been aligned for just around a year now, they’ve gelled perfectly. They weren’t being flashy for the sake of being flashy. Each tandem manoeuvre they used meant something, even more so considering Fulton is twice the size of ‘The Inevitable’.

The match was elevated by Alexander and Williams’ work ethic when united. At one stage, they looked set for a tandem Canadian Destroyer before it was broken up. That, alongside their stereo Sharpshooter/ankle lock submissions, was great. For two guys’ first time teaming together, this was excellent. Josh’s grapevined ankle lock on Fallah Bahh got he and ‘The Maple Leaf Muscle’ the victory here.

For a show-opening bout, this was class. Let down only be the aforementioned slow energy of Fallah, everything else was otherwise solid. More of Alexander and Williams as a team is a must.


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