8 Ups And 1 Down From WWE NXT 2.0 (Sep 21)

1. Bron And Ciampa Breakk Dunne And Holland

Bron Breakker

Much like with Odyssey Jones, NXT seriously have a vibrantly-attired gift in the form of Bron Breakker, don't they? In top of being a genuinely frightening specimen of a human being and possessing arguably more strength than Friday night's Swiss Superman pound-for-pound, he's also a genuine ball of fun.

Screaming down the mic with typical Steiner intensity and flexing like a man possessed, Breakker stole the main event and show yet again this week, throwing out belly-to-bellies like they were going out of fashion and even going full Kurt Angle and dropping the straps mid-fire-up. Ridge Holland also put in another solid display in the tag team bout that saw him line up alongside Pete Dunne to war with Ol' Man Ciampa and his rival/protege. Also, will the sight of Ciampa and Dunne twisting and smashing the life out of each other ever grow old? We bloody hope not.

In the end, though, on the back of Kool Kyle O'Reilly rising back from the dead to take out Holland at ringside, that hulking Yorkshireman was impressively gorilla-press-slammed into next week by Breakker en-route to another jaw-dropping win for the newcomer.

Let's face it, we know Breakker is being positioned as this new era's golden boy. But instead of rejecting the Roman Reigns-esque contrived rise, fans are lapping this up. Because it feels like we're seeing a Steiner dialled up to 11, and not a focus-group creation being tested out on a market.

Oh, and Ciampa vs. Breakker can't come quickly enough, folks...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...