8 Ways To Ensure A Successful Women's WrestleMania Main Event

6. Leave Celebrities Out Of It

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As a lifelong wrestling fan, nothing grinds my gears more than the illogical inclusion of a C-Level celebrity into my favorite angle. Now, celebrities have an important role to play in the traveling circus of professional wrestling, and especially WrestleMania, where the world of wrestling colliding with Tinseltown is part of the spectacle; but sometimes management forgets that its most important asset is not Pete Rose or Pit Bull, but the combatants in the ring.

Rumors have been swirling that the top brass wants UFC phenomenon Ronda Rousey to compete in an actual match at a future WrestleMania, and while that certainly will draw eyeballs, let’s hope she stays far away from either Women’s title. WWE needs its top stars of the Women’s Division to look strong on their own, and having an outsider like Rousey involved in a championship match could delegitimize basically every woman in the locker room, including the current champions.

This is not in spite of Rousey's real-world accomplishments, but rather because of them. Casual fans could be resistant to seeing the likes of Becky Lynch, Charlotte, or even the monstrous Nia Jax on equal footing with the highest paid fighter in UFC, because come on. Ronda Rousey doesn't wear glitter when she fights. She wears dark gloves, a mouth guard, and the skinned pelts of her fallen victims.

Having one lone celebrity invade and demolish all in her path to claiming gold doesn’t help the workhorses of the division get over any more than Brock Lesnar showing up to caber toss another rising star like Dean Ambrose or Seth Rollins. “Burial for Buys” is not the best business strategy. It’s just the working title for Triple H’s memoir.

This is not to mention the inclusion of even less logical celebrities like Flo Rida or Ashton Kutcher, who typically act as window dressing around an underwhelming match-up or storyline to make it seem important. They’re not needed for a historic main event - trust me, it’ll be important enough. Keep them out. Keep them all out.

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Rory is a musician, writer, and wrestling fan. A native of Nashville, he has a penchant for haiku, unsolicited advice, and using the word "penchant."